An Introduction to Tarot: Origins, Meanings, and How to Read Cards
Tarot is a deck of 78 cards, with 22 of them being the Major Arcana and the other 56 as the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana cards showcase big life events whilst the Minor Arcana cards show the daily ups and downs we experience. The tarot can be used for a variety of purposes such as predicting the future, providing guidance, or giving insight into a particular situation.
There are many different ways to read tarot cards, but the most common is to lay them out in a spread. The position of each card in the spread will provide additional meaning to the card.
If you are interested in learning more about tarot, then keep reading! This article will provide an introduction to tarot, including what it is, how it is used, and the Major and Minor Arcana.

Introduction to Tarot, What is it?
As mentioned above, the tarot is a deck of 78 keys consisting of the Major and Minor Arcana. The tarot can be used in several ways such as predicting the future, providing guidance, or also giving insight into a particular situation.
Furthermore, the tarot can also be used as a form of divination, which is the practice of using tools to attempt to gain insight into the future or answer questions.
The tarot is not limited to any one culture or belief system and can be found in many different variations from around the world. However, the most common tarot deck used today is the Rider-Waite tarot deck, which was created in the early 20th century by Arthur Edward Waite and illustrator Pamela Colman Smith.
3. The history of tarot
The history of tarot is full of mystery. Some say that the cards date back to Egypt and ancient times. Some think they originated in medieval Europe. In any case, the origins of tarot cards have been used for centuries to tell fortunes and provide guidance.
Today, tarot cards are still used for these same purposes.
Many people believe that the cards can offer insight into the future, and they often use them for guidance when making important decisions. Whether you believe in the mystical powers of tarot or not, there is no denying that these cards continue to fascinate people all over the world.
4. An Introduction to Tarot: Card meanings
The tarot is a pack of cards (usually consisting of 78 cards) that is used for divination. The tarot has been used for centuries to help people gain insight into their lives and make decisions about their future.
Each tarot card has a different meaning, and the interpretation of the cards depends on the position in which they are laid out. There are many different ways to lay out the cards, but the most popular is the Celtic Cross.
The tarot can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and self-discovery. If you are thinking about getting a tarot reading, or if you are just curious about what the tarot can do, then read on to learn more about the tarot and its meanings.

5. How to read tarot cards
If you’re new to tarot, the process of reading tarot cards can seem daunting. There are many cards in a tarot deck, and each one has its meaning. But don’t worry – with a little practice, you’ll be reading tarot cards like a pro in no time.
To read tarot cards, start by shuffling and cutting the deck. Then, choose a card at random and examine it closely.
Think about what the card’s position in the reading (e.g., past, present, or future) might mean, and consider the card’s traditional meaning. Once you’ve interpreted the card, lay it down in the allotted position in the reading. Repeat this process for each position in the reading.
6. Introduction to Tarot: Common tarot card spreads
There is a variety of different tarot card spreads that you can use for different purposes. Here are a few common tarot cards spreads:
1. The Celtic Cross Spread: This is a ten-card spread that is often used for general readings.

2. The Three-card Love Spread: This three-card spread is used for quick readings.

3. The Single Card Pull: This is great for newcomers to tarot who want to learn more, or ideal for a swift reading.
Introduction to Tarot: Major Arcana
The Major Arcana is a tarot deck of twenty-two cards, each of which is meant to represent a universal human experience. The major arcana can be interpreted in several ways to offer insight into a person’s past, present, and future.
One way to interpret the major arcana is to view each card as a symbol of a particular stage in a person’s life journey.
For example, the Fool card often represents the beginning of a journey, while the World card often signifies the end. Other cards in the deck can represent specific events or challenges that a person may encounter along the way.
Another way to interpret the major arcana is to look at each card as an expression of a particular human emotion or quality.
Introduction to Tarot: The sections of the Major Arcana
The Major Arcana can be divided into three sections: the Fool’s Journey, the Core, and the Unnumbered. The Fool’s Journey is the story of the human experience, told through the 22 major arcana. The Core is the portion of the deck that contains the numbered cards, which represent the various stages of human development. The Unnumbered is the final card in the deck, which is not given a number and is meant to represent the ultimate mystery of the Universe.
Introduction to Tarot: The Minor Arcana
The Minor Arcana is composed of 56 cards, a total of four suits of fourteen cards. The suits are Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles, and each suit has its unique traits and symbolic meanings. The Minor Arcana cards represent the less significant aspects of our lives, but they are nonetheless important and deserve our attention.
These cards can give us insights into the daily ups and downs, and the smaller issues that we face regularly.
Often, the Minor Arcana cards can give us a much-needed reality check when we are too focused on the big picture.
While the Minor Arcana cards may not be as glamorous as the Major Arcana cards, they still hold a great deal of importance in our lives. So the next time you’re doing a Tarot reading, make sure to give the Minor Arcana cards the attention they deserve.
Conclusion intro to tarot cards
As we have seen, tarot cards can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and spiritual growth. By taking the time to learn the meanings of tarot cards, you can use them to gain insights into your own life and the lives of those around you. tarot cards can also be used as a tool for divination or predicting the future. With practice, you can learn to use the tarot to tap into your intuition and gain insights into the events that may lie ahead.