The Lovers Tarot: The angel protects and blesses a fruit tree with a snake behind the woman, symbolizing humanity’s fall. Humanity is tempted by sensuality and flesh in this story. Raphael is the angel of air on this card. He is governed by Gemini. The couple appears secure and happy. As well as mental activity, the air is associated with communication, which is an essential component of any healthy relationship. The blessing on this card symbolizes balance and harmony between two opposing forces in a grand and cosmic sense.
In this scene, a couple stands in a fertile, beautiful landscape that reminds me of the Garden of Eden.
Several snakes wind up the apple tree’s trunk behind the woman, symbolizing the temptation to detach yourself from the Divine through sensual pleasures. Passion, his primary concern, is indicated by the tree of flames behind the man. Flames represent every sign of the zodiac, time, and eternity. He looks to his wife for every need, from physical to emotional to spiritual.

The volcano in the background represents the eruption of passion between a man and woman when they meet in full frontal nudity.
The angel protects and blesses a fruit tree with a snake behind the woman, symbolizing humanity’s fall. Humanity is tempted by sensuality and flesh in this story. Raphael is the angel of air on this card. He is governed by Gemini. The couple appears secure and happy. As well as mental activity, the air is associated with communication, which is an essential component of any healthy relationship. The blessing on this card symbolizes balance and harmony between two opposing forces in a grand and cosmic sense.
The Lovers Tarot Upright Card
In the Lovers, the primary meanings are harmony, attractiveness, and perfection in a relationship. Through trust and unity, each lover gains confidence and strength, which empowers the other. A strong bond has been created between them, and it may suggest that they are married or have an intimate relationship with each other.
A lover’s card can also represent the concept of choice
– a choice between opposing and mutually exclusive things. This could be a dilemma you need to carefully consider and make the right choice for yourself.
As Lovers, you can learn who you are and what you believe in life through a personal belief system, despite society’s expectations. This is a progression from the Hierophant, who made decrees and passed on his knowledge through standardized procedures. Authenticity and genuineness are the keys to being authentic and genuine to those around you. It would help to decide what matters to you and what doesn’t.
A Tarot reading with The Lovers card indicates that you have an intimate, soul-honoring relationship with a loved one.
In its purest form, this card represents conscious connections and meaningful relationships. The sexual energy between you two may be very spiritual and almost Tantric, and you may feel as though you’ve found your soul mate or a life partner. A relationship of love, respect, and compassion can also be represented by The Lovers card. However, it is often associated with romantic relationships.
Although the Lovers are naked, they are willing to be at their most vulnerable and have learned to share their deepest feelings. This card symbolizes honesty and open communication. Because of their trust and confidence creates a strong bond between them. If you communicate openly and honestly with those you care about, you will achieve harmony and fulfillment in your relationships.
The Lovers Tarot card clarifies your values and beliefs on a more personal level.
Following your indoctrination by The Hierophant, you can now decide what is important to you and what isn’t. The Hierophant has brainwashed you, and you are ready to establish a belief system. In the big wide world, you have to make choices based on who you are, being authentic and genuine in everything you do.

In The Lovers, you must be clear about your values and beliefs and remain committed to them to make good choices.
It’s about who you want to be, how you connect with others, and how you stand up for what’s important to you. Choosing the right path is not always easy either. Lovers can often indicate that you face a moral dilemma before you act. Your values system is challenging you to take a higher path. Don’t make decisions based on fear, worry, guilt, or shame, but on your love for yourself, others, and the Universe. Don’t forget to take care of yourself.
This card encourages you to combine two opposing forces into something unified and harmonious. You can create something that is ‘whole,’ unified, and balanced by bringing together two parts that seem in opposition to each other. Every choice has equal opportunity and disadvantage, opportunity and challenge, positive and negative. When you accept these dualities, love flows from a unity built on acceptance.
Upright The Lovers Tarot Love Reading
It is an excellent tarot card for love and relationships because it hints at an exquisite sense of cohesiveness and balance of forces, indicating complementary energies. In addition to symbolizing commitment and choice, the card also suggests your commitment to love. It represents a pairing that works well together. A choice between love and work, love and family, love and friendship, or even love and your entire lifestyle does not always need to refer to another individual. The commitment you make to the right person is sometimes a sacrifice, but one that helps you grow can be valuable. You must make a sacrifice to have this love. Both you and a potential or existing partner can make sacrifices and choices.
The Lovers Tarot Career Meaning – Upright
Occasionally, the Lovers indicate a harmonious and beneficial business partnership or a friendship with a colleague. Despite popular belief, the Lovers card can signify platonic relationships and an approaching romantic relationship. If this happens, you should make a decision based on your head and heart simultaneously. Understand the risks you are taking if this does happen. If you are dealing with the Lovers card, you may need to make crucial decisions about your career soon. You may be facing a crossroads, or you may be shifting from one career path to another.
The Lovers Tarot Finance – Upright
Making big financial decisions can be suggested by the Lovers card when it comes to finances. You may have to choose between having one considerable expense versus another; remember that you seem to have to choose between the two. Your choices may significantly impact the future if you choose one path at the expense of another.
The Lovers Tarot Reversed
It can make your relationships and daily life difficult when the Lovers are reversed. This disharmony can affect your relationships and make everyday life difficult. You need to consider what you are punishing yourself for if you are going to fix or let go of what you are punishing yourself for. It is also essential to align your values and beliefs with what you want from your life during this time.
In another interpretation, there may have been a break in communication between you and your partner or loved one.
The unity commonly presented within this card has become lopsided.
If you reverse the Lovers, it indicates that you have avoided taking responsibility for your actions. Perhaps you made your decision for immediate gratification, but now you’re blaming others. Making amends or letting go of the past is the only way to make better decisions in the future.

Reversing the Lovers card may make you feel out of sync with those around you, especially your loved ones.
Relationships may be strained, and communication may be difficult. You may feel you no longer share the same values and are not on the same page. In that case, remind yourself why you are with this person. If you love them unconditionally, the best thing you can do is show them love and compassion in this situation. Occasionally, a relationship may grow apart due to a lack of respect and arguments, which may be the time to let go. Honor yourself and make the right decision for your relationship.
A Lovers Reversed card may also symbolize an unresolved conflict within a relationship.
There could be an emotional gap between two people, and this gap could lead to disappointment and insecurity in the future. Fear of being hurt may keep you from opening your heart to the relationship.
Considering who you are and what you contribute to this world, how much do you acknowledge and accept it? The Lovers Reversed speaks to self-love and respect, as well as being aware of what you have within you when you see other people and wish you were like them. If you recognize these traits in others, you also have them within you. In other words, the Universe wants to teach you to identify your strengths whenever you admire someone else’s qualities.
You may have to make a difficult choice with significant consequences if The Lovers Reversed appears in a reading.
Instead of following your values, you feel inclined to cut corners and avoid taking responsibility. Even if it seems hard at first, The Lovers Reversed encourages you to take the path aligned with your Highest Good, regardless of whether it looks easy.
It is also possible to have an internal conflict when the Lovers Reversed is in battle with external forces. Your inner union is unbalanced, and disharmony is apparent. What have you done or considered yourself responsible for that you are punishing yourself for? Identifying your values and belief systems will help you get out of this situation. Making better decisions in the future will be easier if you do this. Consult with an institution or spiritual mentor if you want to reconnect with The Hierophant’s energy.
Reversed The Lovers Tarot- Love Reading
A reversed relationship or romance tarot reading can indicate a coldness within your relationship. Your relationship is no longer functioning as it once did. You need to resolve some issues to once again form a close bond with your partner.
If you have many suitors or have a very active dating life at this time, you may also be afraid of commitment. Initially, this may seem fun, but you may feel you have to give up too many possibilities or choices to develop a relationship. Be honest about your fears and desires; this will likely require a lot of introspection.

Career Meaning – Reversed Lovers
Your relationship with a colleague or business partner may be at risk when the Lovers card is reversed. It can be challenging to agree on a decision that everyone can accept unless you have long discussions. It may also be that one person is doing the entire work, or their teammate has lost motivation. As a result of one colleague’s inability to do their fair share of work, both colleagues may suffer. When reversed, this card indicates a romantic relationship that began at work but can also mean financial difficulties. If you continue down this path, you may encounter consequences that you did not expect.
Finances Meaning – Reversed Lovers
There is a possibility that your long-term financial security may be threatened because you are making impulsive financial decisions right now. How responsible are your choices, or what are you looking for? Ensure that your finances are in order and that you can afford the purchase.
If you want to learn about more Tarot Cards check out our post on An Introduction to Tarot & Learn Now