ancestral magick
ancestral magick

Ancestral Magick how to use it?

Ancestral Magick is a system of beliefs and practices focusing on bridging the gap between the living and the dead. In this world and the next, our ancestors can help us.

People have practiced Ancestral Magick since the beginning of time. It is passed down through the generations, from our elders to our children.

Overall, it helps us find peace in a world fraught with uncertainty.

What is Ancestral Magick?

Ancestral Magick is a system of principles that focus on reconnection. It is also the belief that our ancestors can assist us. Furthermore, this type of traditional Magick is not new and has existed for centuries. Ancestral Magick is not a religion. People of any religious background can follow and practice the honoring and connecting with their ancestors. 

There are many different ways to practice Ancestral Magick. Some people focus on honoring their ancestors through rituals and ceremonies. Others focus on connecting through meditation and prayer. And still, others focus on using the power to help them in their everyday lives. No matter how you practice this magick, the goal is always to connect with your ancestors’ strength and use that energy to improve your life or honor your ancestors.

The Power of our Ancestors 

In traditional magick practice, we work with the spirits of our ancestors to connect with the divine forces of the Universe. By doing this, we tap into a powerful source of wisdom that can help us in our own lives.

Some of the ways that our ancestors can help us include:

– Connecting us with the natural world

– Helping us to find our power

– Providing us with guidance and wisdom

– Helping us to heal from trauma

If you are interested in working with your ancestors, here are some steps you can take. First, it is essential to honor and respect your ancestors. You can do this by setting up an ancestor altar, making an offering to them, and meditating on their guidance. 

How can I perform ancestral magick?

There are many different ways to perform ancestral magick, but some of the most common include ancestor altars, prayer, and communication with spirits. If you are interested in connecting with your ancestors, here are some things to consider.

First, you can create an ancestor altar. 

This altar can be as straightforward or as elaborate as you like, but it should include items representing your ancestors. You might consist of photos, books, or objects that belonged to them. You can even add things they enjoyed or had meaning to them if you do not have anything that belonged to them. Once you have created your altar, you can pray to your ancestors and ask for their guidance.

Connect Directly through Ancestral Magick

Connect with the ancestor by communicating with them directly. You can do this through mediumship, Automatic Writing, or channeling.

magick altar
magick altar

Prayers to connect with ancestor spirits

Prayers are a way to connect with the spirit of our ancestors. By communicating with these spirits, we can ask for guidance, strength, and protection. Follow these tips on prayers to connect with ancestor spirits:

Before any ritual, relaxing, cleansing, and protecting yourself is a good idea. Make sure to build up the energy in the space where you will work. You can do this with a ritual bath and meditation after.

If you do this prayer ritual, remember to light a candle or incense for your ancestor. Do this to connect. 

Make a small offering of wine or juice if you prefer. 

After you finish the prayer, cleanse yourself and relax your body with a grounding meditation or stepping into the sun.

ancestral magick
ancestral magick

How to perform the Ancestral Magick prayer:

-Find a calm place where you will not be disturbed.

-Sit or stand in a comfortable position.

-Focus your mind on your breath and allow your thoughts to calm.

-When ready, begin your prayer by calling out to the ancestor spirits.

– Speak from your heart and express your intention for the prayer.

– Ask for guidance, strength, or protection as needed.

– Thank the spirits for their time and presence.

– Close the prayer by bidding farewell to the spirits.

Calling on your ancestors for guidance and protection

If you are ever feeling lost or need guidance and protection, it is always helpful to call on your ancestors. Your ancestors are those who have come before you, and they can offer you wisdom and support when you need it most.

You can meditate and ask for their guidance, light a candle in their honor, or speak their names. However, when you connect with them, know they are always there for you.

No matter your chosen method, the most important thing is to be respectful and humble when communicating with your ancestors. Remember that they are here to help you and will do so if you show them the proper respect.

How to Venerate your Ancestors with magickal practice

Ancestor veneration is a practice that has been around for centuries. The act shows honor to those who have come before us.

Remember a few things when you plan to venerate your ancestors through magick. First, you must choose which ancestors you would like to honor. This ancestor can be anyone from your direct lineage or someone who has significantly impacted your life. 

Second, you can begin planning your ancestor veneration ritual. Furthermore, there is no limit to how complex this Ritual can be. Choose an appropriate form of ancestor veneration for your specific aims.

Third, decide the order in which you will do each part of the Ritual. Draft a list or script of what you will do and say. Choose a day and time when you can be free of distractions.

Finally, cast a circle or set up an altar and place an image of your ancestor(s) in the center. Finally, if you are working with an altar, put a picture or other image of your ancestor(s) in the center.

ancestral magick
ancestral magick

Ancestor magick veneration ritual ideas:

There are countless ways to venerate one’s ancestors through Ritual. The following ideas will help you get started:

-Set up an ancestor altar: It can be simple or elaborate, depending on your preference. Include items are representing your ancestors, such as photos, jewelry, or other objects that hold meaning.

-Make offerings: Many cultures believe that our ancestors can help us if we make offerings to them. The offering can be anything from food and drink to flowers and incense.

-Pray or meditate: Take some time to connect with your ancestors through prayer or meditation. You can light a candle or say a mantra to help you focus.

-Write a letter: Sometimes writing a letter to ancestors can be helpful, even if you don’t mail it. It is a way to connect and honor your ancestors.

Best materials to use in ancestor magick

Different magickal traditions use varying materials for ancestor magick. Generally, some common materials used in ancestor magick include:

ancestral magick
ancestral magick


Charcoal is popular in magick and Ritual. It is also a powerful element that cleanses, purifies, and has a deep meaning in ancestral magick.

Generally, In ancestral magic, charcoal symbolizes the connection to our ancestors and the spirit world. It reminds us that we are connected and that our ancestors are always with us. Charcoal also has powerful cleansing and purifying properties, making it ideal for rituals and spells.

If you are interested in using charcoal in your magic practice, you should know a few things. First, it is essential to choose the right type of charcoal. Make sure you use safe, natural charcoal free of chemicals and toxins. Second, charcoal can be messy, so use it in a well-ventilated area.


 It is one of the oldest spices known, and its use traces back to ancient Egypt. In magick, cinnamon symbolizes success, prosperity, and abundance. It also attracts love, luck, and wealth.

Overall, Cinnamon has a deep meaning in ancestral magick, symbolizing love, healing, and protection. It is a common ingredient in spells and rituals related to these concepts.


Eggs symbolize magick and fertility. In many ancestral cultures, eggs were powerful symbols of life and rebirth. 

Today, eggs still hold a deep meaning in many spiritual traditions. They are also often used in rituals and spell workings to promote fertility, new beginnings, and positive change. 


Fire is a symbol of power and strength. In many cultures, fire is a sacred element that brings about change and transformation. Generally, in ancestral magick, fire symbolizes change, purification, and also new beginnings.


Honey has a deep meaning in ancestral magick, symbolizing life’s sweetness, the gods’ nectar, and the elixir of immortality. It is also a potent tool for cleansing and protection. 


Ancestral magick uses incense to purify, cleanse, raise energy, and create sacred spaces while honoring the gods and goddesses. Furthermore, incense symbolizes the smoke that rises from the Earth to the Heavens.


Salt is a mineral composed of sodium and chloride. Large quantities are found in Earth’s oceans and are used to flavor food or as a preservative. Salt has been used throughout history for ceremonial purposes and is considered a powerful element in many forms of ancestral magick.

In magick, salt purifies and protects. Furthermore, it is often used in rituals and spells to cleanse negative energies and ward off evil spirits. Salt also represents the element of Earth. Combined with other elements, it can help create a powerful magickal working.

Be aware of a few things when using salt in your magickal practice. First, always use high-quality salt for your ritual work. Second, consecrate your salt before using it in your practice.


Sandalwood is a mystical wood with a long history of use in magick and also Rituals. It has a deep, earthy scent that is said to connect us with the natural world and the forces of nature. Importantly, sandalwood is often used in spell work and rituals to promote healing, protection, and psychic awareness.

Sandalwood has a deep meaning in ancestral magick, symbolizing our connection to our ancestors and the spirit world. It is often used in magickal practices to help us connect with our higher self, intuition, and also our instinct. Sandalwood is also said to promote emotional balance and self-awareness.


Candles are popular in magickal practices and ritual ceremonies. They represent the element of fire and the spirit of life. They are a tool for focus and concentration. Lighting a candle and gazing into the flame is said to help you feel closer to the divine.

Candles come in various colors, each with its magickal meaning. For example, red candles represent strength, passion, and courage. White candles are associated with purity, peace, and also healing. And black candles are often used for protection, banishing, and release.

When choosing a candle for your magickal practice, it is vital to take the time to select a color that corresponds with your intention. Overall, utilizing the power of color can help you magnify the effects of your magick.

ancestral magick
ancestral magick

-Herbs for Ancestral Magick

Generally, herbs are a vital component in magick and ceremonies. They have potent properties that achieve specific objectives. Each herb has a unique meaning and symbolism in spells and rituals.

Some common herbs used in magic include:

– Bay leaf: Used for protection, success, and also luck

– Basil: Used for wealth, abundance, and prosperity

– Chamomile: Used for peace, harmony, and relaxation

– Lavender: Used for love, happiness, and protection

To use herbs in magick, you can add them to spells and rituals, burn them as incense, or make them into talismans and amulets.

Each of these has magickal properties that are effective in ancestor magick. For example, fire represents the element of spirit, while salt is the essence of Earth. Overall, choose the materials that best represent your ancestors and your intention for the magical work.

Why Practice Ancestral Magick?

Ancestor magick is a powerful way to connect with the spirits of your ancestors. By honoring and working with your ancestors, you can learn about your family history and receive guidance and support in your own life.

Ancestor magick is also a way to connect with the energy of your ancestors and bring their wisdom and knowledge into your own life. Finally, when you work with your ancestors, you tap into a powerful vibration and wisdom source.