The Hierophant
The Hierophant

The Hierophant Tarot Meaning in Your Life

Description of the Hierophant

The Hierophant card represents traditional values and institutions. A Hierophant can represent an advisor of a spiritual or religious nature. A Hierophant Tarot card can symbolize an institution such as economics, religion, politics, society, family, education, social welfare, and medicine. It can also represent a person who is very set in their ways. If it appears, it’s a sign that it’s time to follow convention or tradition. It’s not a time to shake things up. It also indicates that you’ll participate in a traditional ceremony or start your tradition or ritual.

The Hierophant

There’s a religious figure called the Hierophant sitting between two pillars of a sacred temple.

But it’s different from the one where the High Priestess lives. In his left hand, he holds the Papal Cross, a triple scepter that signifies his religious status. His red, blue, and white robes symbolize the three worlds he rules over (conscious, subconscious, and superconscious). In a spiritual blessing, he raises his right hand with two fingers pointing up and two fingers pointing down.

The Hierophant makes two followers kneel before him. This imagery shows that they’re part of a group and that a rite of passage is necessary to get them to the church’s top jobs. It’s his job to share his spiritual wisdom with them. To unlock mysteries only the Hierophant can impart, the crossed keys represent the balance between conscious and subconscious minds.

The Hierophant Upright

Hierophant represents a set of established spiritual values associated with religious and formal doctrine. As the next card, The Lovers, demonstrates, you need to learn the fundamentals from a trustworthy source before you can find your belief system.

If you work with a teacher, mentor, or guide, you can learn about spiritual values and beliefs structured. By nurturing your spiritual awareness, he can help you access the Divine by helping you understand the traditions and core principles. You might want to participate in the formal study if you are interested in an extensively explored subject.

Someone with deep expertise in a particular field may want to share their knowledge in a structured way, respecting the industry’s age-old traditions.

It seems you’re following convention with the Hierophant, staying within the bounds of what already exists. You’re not yet willing to break from the mold or develop an innovative and creative solution. You stick to the rules and principles you’ve figured out will help you succeed instead.

It’s possible the Hierophant’s calling is to honor neglected family traditions or sacred rituals. It’s time to commit to spiritual practice, do not adapt, customize or bend the rules. If you haven’t practiced rituals and traditions regularly, you must do them. Explore your spiritual or religious heritage and practice, like saying grace and praying.

Suppose you’re a Hierophant Tarot card user. In that case, you might find comfort in being surrounded by people with sound belief systems and explicit values. According to this card, being able to identify with others and think creatively is essential.

Relationships & Love (Upright)


It’s the Major Arcana marriage and commitment card. When this card appears, you can expect your relationship to get more severe and move towards new milestones in your relationship. Overall, a great card to get if you want a committed relationship. It shows you and your partner are on the same path aligning your morals and goals. Whenever you see this card, a new relationship comes up on the horizon that is full of love, commitment, and stability.

The Hierophant
The Hierophant

Money & Work Upright Reading

Now is an excellent time to get involved in a group or team project. Do what you need, don’t do quirky things at work, and you’ll succeed. It’s a sign that the Hierophant represents knowledge sharing, so you might get a mentor or teacher to help you along your career path. It’s also an excellent time to start a mentoring program or train others. And now is a great time to study at a college or university. When it comes to investing, this is a great time to take advantage of low-risk, conventional investment opportunities. Stick with conventional money management methods and use traditional financial institutions for advice if needed. 

Health Meaning Upright Hierophant Tarot

According to the Hierophant Tarot card, you might benefit from conventional medicine if you suffer from health issues. You’d also do well to incorporate some health routine into your life, like exercising every day or taking vitamin supplements to boost your immunity.

Upright Spiritual Meaning Hierophant Tarot

A spiritual advisor is coming into your life to teach or mentor you. The Hierophant is a spiritual card known as the link between man and God. The Hierophant is usually associated with traditional religious practices. Still, if you don’t, his appearance means you should put some ritual or ceremony into your spiritual practice even if you don’t. 

The Hierophant Reversed

Reversed, The Hierophant Tarot suggests breaking with convention. You wish to alter social norms and rigid rules. When this Major Arcana card appears in your Tarot reading, there will be a compelling desire to break all the rules and think for yourself. The Hierophant reversed can symbolize an alternative lifestyle or an unconventional way of life. Those closest to you may not understand the need to challenge the conventional ways of doing things or maybe against them. You may be stuck trying to hold on to the past based on how you grew up. To be free from oppression, you must live by your own rules while listening to your conscience. It will open your mind and broaden your horizons. Reversed Hierophants can also indicate a conflict with authorities.

The Hierophant

This card emphasizes the importance of learning from oneself instead of going to an outside source or power.

The Hierophant Reversed emphasizes the importance of being one’s teacher. Rather than blindly following others’ religious beliefs, you want to adopt your spiritual belief system and follow your path. When you’re starting, you might have trouble trusting yourself and tapping into your inner knowledge, but you’ll get better as you make your way. Some might question why you’re going against tradition, but you know deep down that now is the right time.

Take charge of your life. Don’t let others tell you what you should do. Trust your inner guidance system.

Taking the status quo and re-examining the very ideas and concepts you learn is a good idea. You’re ready to change the status quo, so Hierophant Reversed is all about it. Rather than accepting rigid structures, traditions, and dogma, you’re looking for ways to rebel and reclaim your power. If you feel restricted or constrained, you need to set rules.

Setting your rules allows you to find out if what you’re passionate about matches up with how things work here. As a rebellious teenager, you question society and start doing anti-institutional things. You’ve been doing things on autopilot and following the crowd, but now you see you need to change. It might be a fight with the authority or a conflict with your parents.

Hierophant Reversed in a Love Reading

When the Hierophant’s reversed in a love Tarot deck, it can mean you’re in an unconventional relationship or looking for one. Choosing not to marry may be a break from tradition. If you’re in a relationship, it might also show a reversal of traditional gender roles. It might also mean that you and your significant other are not in alignment concerning values and goals. You may have conflict and insecurity with your partner because of this. To agree, you must compromise without pushing either of you too hard. Keep an open mind and see where the other person is now. 

The Hierophant

Work and Finance Reversed Hierophant

In a career context, the Hierophant reversed means that your boss or authority figure is strict and makes everyone do what they want. Regardless of how high this person ranks, you’ll have to stick to their rules. But that’ll make your work environment feel restrictive, and you won’t be happy. A group or team project might also mean you’ll have to conform to the consensus, even if it’s against your beliefs. There’s a chance you’ll meet a teacher or mentor who’ll challenge you.

Hierophant Tarot Reversed in a Health Reading

The Hierophant, in reverse, means it’s a good time to try alternative treatments or holistic therapies. It will help you a lot. Don’t stick to your routine of exercising or eating. You should shake up your routine and try new things. It’s time to take a step out of your comfort zone.  

Spiritual Reading The Hierophant Reversed

It’s a sign to let go of traditional beliefs that aren’t working for you to get rid of the Hierophant reversed tarot card in a spiritual context. Discover what works for you. Don’t think you have to follow traditional religious beliefs to be spiritual. You can also tell if you’re disgraced or if a person in authority gets caught up in a scandal.